Most recently, I read one of the "I Am Canadian" series, Prisoners of Dieppe by Hugh Brewster. This is a historical fiction book that centers around a young boy who is talked into enlisting for World War II. As we follow the boys through training and into battle, Hugh recounts actual facts of the disastrous assault by the Allies on the shores of Dieppe in August 1942. The loss of over 3300 Canaidan solders and 2000 Canadians being captured as POWs went down in history as a great loss. I thought this was a very powerful book that highlighted the youth of our soldiers and terrible losses taken for our freedom.
Another recent find was Greener Grass, the Famine Years by Caroline Pignat. Winner of the Governor Generals Literacy Award for 2009 this is the first novel in the "Greener Grass" series. This historical fiction is set in 1847 Ireland during the second year of the Potato Famine. We follow the day to day horror that consumed Ireland as our main character Kit tries to help her family survive, with possibly even the cost of her soul. This novel is about the utter devastation that nature can cause on mankind and our struggle to survive.
Last is Bifocal by Deborah Ellies and Eric Walter. This novel was launched in 2007
Although all these titles are Young Adult Fiction, don't discount them. The stories move quickly with action and feeling.
Written by Kim