Welcome to the Callander Public Library! We are located in the centre of Callander, Ontario, Canada. The public library is the HEART of OUR COMMUNITY. We have something for everyone.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Book Club
Well, even though I work at a library (actually, two libraries), I don't. The Book Club at the Callander Public Library meets on the morning of the last Wednesday of the month. Alison, the librarian, usually works on those days. I offered to fill in for her on this past Wednesday, without giving thought that it was "Book Club Day".
So, I hadn't read the book.
The last time I filled in on a Book Club day, I hadn't read the book either...but at least I had seen the movie so I didn't seem totally unaware. (Yes, I agree it's a bit unconcerting when the Assistant Librarian attends the book club meeting and says "No, I didn't read the book, but I saw the movie". I feel I should defend myself by saying that I do actually read...every day, in fact.)
I felt like that nervous kid at school that knows she is going to be called upon to answer a question about the homework that she didn't even bring home. I shouldn't have worried.
The ladies started pouring through the door. Fourteen in all. You've seen our library? Some call it 'cozy'. On book club day, it's like the Yonge Street subway car on a weekday at 4:00pm. We run out of chairs. Our photocopier and fax machines are barricaded by bodies. The ladies at the back have to limit their tea-intake...cause once you are in the back row, you are stuck there for the duration.
This month's book was The Postmistress by Sarah Blake.
Fourteen ladies, fourteen viewpoints.
I was very impressed with the thought that these readers had given to their critique. Many read excerpts from the book, to illustrate the writer's style - whether in a positive light or negative light. Some were able to articulate what in their own life made some parts of the book resonate for them.
This particular book takes place partially in London during war time. There is apparently a scene where a couple is having loud, passionate sex in the dark corners of the bomb shelter while the other citizens are trying to calm themselves while bombs drop above. There was a very loud, intense debate amongst the ladies at the table on whether or not it was realistic that people would be expressing their deepest life passions while attempting to survive amid chaos. I am sure that the three males using the library at the time were getting a different view of 'library ladies' that day.
The book is also partially set on the East Coast of United States. One reader felt that there was a deliberate portrayal of the North American citizens as being very detached from the war, talking and worrying about mundane things while the citizens of Europe were living in chaos and terror. One of the readers spoke up quite strongly, telling her own personal story of living in Canada during WWII and that every evening her whole family would gather around the radio listening in disbelief that bombs were being dropped on London and that children were being evacuated.
At least two members spoke of visiting war memorials in Europe and how this book brought them back to the same feeling of reverence to the citizens who survived the choas of war.
As I said, I haven't read The Postmistress.
But, thanks to the Callander Book Club, it is now on my list of 'Must Reads'.
And for those of you who might be interested, the Callander Public Library's Book Club publishes their meeting minutes on our website.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
There's No Dust Gathering Here!
No, I am talking about the dust that gathers in the brains of those who are not moving ahead with new technology and innovations. If you haven't been to your public library, you may have a stereotype idea of what a library worker is all about. Dewey decimal system? Classic books? Hair-buns, sensible shoes and a steely glare that tells you to "BE QUIET or ELSE"? (Okay, I'll give you the point for a couple of those last ones...) If that's your idea of your public library, you need to come in and get educated about your library in 2011! Technology has the ability to connect our patrons to information in ways that you may not be aware of. Library staff are constantly learning about the technology we can offer and are poised to help bring our patrons into the information age. Ontario Public Libraries have been recognized as a major asset in the knowledge ecomony and the government has invested in techology within our library.
In the last two years, we have implemented:
Downloadable Audiobooks - These are audiobook files that you can download and use on your computer, CD, and MP3 players.
Downloadable eBooks - These are eBooks that you download to read on your eBook reader.
eResources - We offer several online databases that cover a wide variety of topics, such as geneology, career information, auto repair, health, educational resources and more.
Service Ontario centre - You can get assistance to accessing the Ontario government services from within the library to get information, renew your driver's license, register your new baby, etc.
Playaways - These are small, pocket-sized battery operated devices that contain an audiobook that you can either listen to with earbuds or port through your car stereo.
Daisy Readers for CNIB services - Now, anyone with a print disability (through visual, physical or learning disability) can get obtain Daisy format materials and borrow Daisy Reader equipment from the library.
Tumblebooks, PebbleGo, Grzimek's Animal Life and the Early Literacy Station use new technology to educate young minds in an entertaining way.
Current Microsoft Office Suite of software products - At the time of writing, the library has 10 computers that have the 2010 version of Microsoft Office installed. We've created our webpages on the mycallander.ca website. Here, you can look at the monthly lists of new library materials, read the book club's discussion on the latest book read, find out what our Raising Reader's group is doing next, and much more.
Our library has a large electronic display that shows a visually appealing slide presentation of community event notices, new material information, etc. The display doubles as a large screen for group computer presentations.
Our library has been lucky to have a CAP student, funded by Industry Canada, who can assist our patrons in learning all about using technology. Our regular library staff strive to be competent in our offerings so that we can assist our patrons to get the most out of this technology in their daily use at the library.
The Callander Public Library is embracing advances in technology and the universe of knowledge that lay beyond our doors. Your library card is your ticket...get on board...
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Norma's Picks
I listened to The Element - Why Finding Your Passion Changes Everything by Ken Robinson, Ph.D. with Lou Aronica in audiobook format on both my MP3 player. I was enthralled with the topic. More importantly, his voice and manner of speaking to the listener, made me look forward to plugging those earbuds in to start my housework.

"The Element shows the vital need to enhance creativity and innovation by thinking differently about human resources and imagination. It is also an essential strategy for transforming education, business, and communities to meet the challenges of living and succeeding in the twenty-first century. "
I will read this book again and again. I also wish that every person working with the education system would listen to the message and then instill in all children the knowledge that they have a special purpose and success will come to those who pursue it with heart, regardless of the perceived obstacles.
I kept coming across Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant while straightening up the adult fiction shelves. It called to me with its childish drawing of a Tortoise and a flaming paper castle. The fact that it had a maple leaf sticker on the spine, telling me it was a Canadian work, further hooked me.

From the back cover of the book, Lisa Moore, author of Alligator, has a statement of praise that includes:
"This book is astoundingly unique. A novel about fathers and daughters, love and loss, the wisdom that accumulates over the ages, and that ancient instinct to come home. Joyful. A tortoise de force."
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011
What the heck are TumbleBooks?
"Tumblebooks" are a group of REALLY HARD books made especially for REALLY clumsy people. You know those people who leave the book on top of the car and then drive off?
No...not really...
"Tumblebooks" are a collection of books specifically about gymnastics and really bad "Pairs" figure-skaters.
Okay...I'll stop...don't leave...I'll tell you the real story. I warn you, it's a complicated topic...but it's worth putting up with the rambling of a library clerk who is working the evening shift in the dead of winter.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Books Make My Brain Feel Better!
My family is getting cabin fever. What brainiac decided to make Family Day right smack in the middle of the Northern Ontario winter? Sure enough, if we plan to go skiing that day, you know it's going to rain. A trip planned to the big city is sure to bring on the blizzard gods.
Oh....do I need a HAPPY, "FEEL-GOOD" BOOK! Today!
You may have your own idea of what a feel-good book is, but in my definition, it's a book that let's you escape your day from a quiet corner of your world. It doesn't ask you to think about life's big dramas or the effect of an individual's personality flaws on your world.

Now, this winter may be lasting quite a while yet. Can you give me some feel-good suggestions that you have read?
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Computer Lessons for All!
Today, there is a lot of information that is available digitally – either on your own computer or accessible via the world wide web. (Well, of course, you know that…you are reading this there, aren’t you?!)
Many people have taken their first steps on the information highway here at the Callander Public Library.
We are fortunate to offer individual computer lessons on a regular basis at the library so that anyone can improve their computer skills.
Have you ever wondered how to get rid of those red eyes on your digital photo? Perhaps you are the volunteer treasurer for your sports league and want to use an Excel spreadsheet to help balance the books. Maybe you want your kids to know how to be safe when sharing information on the Internet.
Brent is here as our CAP student until the end of April. He is available to help with all kinds of questions from beginner to advanced users. Miranda is offering sessions for children on a Saturday morning. Please contact us at the library to enquire about these opportunities.
In addition, we are offering a series of 4 computer education workshops on Monday evenings from 6.00pm for 2 hours. These sessions will deal with Computer Basics, Internet for Beginners, Photo Fun and Advanced Internet. Classes will start on 24th January, but you do need to pre register.
If you have ever said to yourself, “I really should learn a bit more about computers”, now is the time!