My family is getting cabin fever. What brainiac decided to make Family Day right smack in the middle of the Northern Ontario winter? Sure enough, if we plan to go skiing that day, you know it's going to rain. A trip planned to the big city is sure to bring on the blizzard gods. I need a HAPPY, "FEEL-GOOD" BOOK! Today!
You may have your own idea of what a feel-good book is, but in my definition, it's a book that let's you escape your day from a quiet corner of your world. It doesn't ask you to think about life's big dramas or the effect of an individual's personality flaws on your world.
Nope - a "feel-good" book simply puts images in your head that make your brain feel better.
Here's some suggestions...
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World by Vicki Myron with Bret Witter

The Irish Country series by Patrick Taylor are a charming read with endearing characters that will put a smile on your face. My favorite in the series is The Irish Country Doctor.

The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha makes you think of all those little, insignificant (or so you thought!) things that happen in your day that work to make you happier.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows is a collection of letters between friends, regarding a young woman's visit to the island of Guernsey during the German Occupation. This hardly seems like a light-hearted setting, but the people live with a joy that is transferred to the reader. The eccentric characters come alive in the letter writing.
Skinny Dip by Carl Hiassen is a funny novel about a good woman getting revenge on her cad of a husband, who throws her off the side of a cruise ship as the book begins. Unbeknownst to him, she survives, and sets out to get the sweetest revenge in the most hilarious ways. Its silly and somewhat risqe humour will tickle your brain.
Don't forget to browse the picture books at the library. The juvenile section is full of 'feel-good' books and they come with beautiful illustrations. Alison says "The E Section stands for Everyone!"
One of my favourites, is "Woolbur" by Leslie Helakoski.

Now, this winter may be lasting quite a while yet. Can you give me some feel-good suggestions that you have read?